The Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) has published the digital book Hacia una comunicación inclusive de la ciencia: Reflexiones y acciones de éxito [Towards an inclusive communication of science: reflections and successful actions] to address the main aspects that must be considered for designing and implementing socially inclusive science outreach and communication initiatives. The director of GenTIC, Milagros Sáinz, is part of the expert team that has collaborated on this publication and authors a chapter dedicated to remarkable scientific communication projects in the areas of gender and socio-cultural background.


Other chapters of the book highlight best practices on science communication initiatives related to the inclusion of cultural groups and those at risk of exclusion (by Teresa Sordé Martí, from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), people with disabilities (by Diego Ortega-Alonso, from Universidad de Jaén), and LGTBI+ people (by Gracia Trujillo, from Universidad Complutense de Madrid). The publication also contains articles by Emily Dawson (University College London) and Londa Schiebinger (Stanford University).


The book has been coordinated José Ramón Flecha García, Professor of Sociology at Universitat de Barcelona, and is openly available in digital format on the FECYT website.


Have a look at the video created by the team of PDICIENCIA, a scientific dissemination project that brings scientific culture and knowledge closer to citizens from an inclusive perspective, to present this publication: