In 2016, Gender and ICT carried out the research project “Young people’s gender biases about STEM-related studies and occupations across different stages of the life course. What is myth and what is reality?”.  The study was funded by Fundación Telefónica with the objective to explore the factors that could explain a greater or lesser presence of women in STEM, from the perception of adolescents, university students and young professionals.

The project’s results are included in the book ¿Por qué no hay más mujeres STEM? Se buscan ingenieras, físicas y tecnólogas (Why aren’t there more women in STEM? Female engineers, physical scientists and technologists are wanted), which will be published in the coming days by Fundación Telefónica and Ariel.

The book launch will take place on 28 June 2017 in Madrid. In the event, Milagros Sáinz, principal investigator and book coordinator, will be joined by Angela Paloma Martín, political advisor and expert on women’s leadership and gender communication, journalist Sonsoles Ónega, and David Tomás, co-founder and CEO of Cybercick.

Book launch details:

Wednesday, 28 June 2017, 19:00 h

Espacio Fundación Telefónica

C/ Fuencarral, 3 Madrid


More information and reservations for the event in this website.