EnGendering technologies aims at exploring equal participation in education, design, production and use of technologies, especially in ICT, but also demanding innovative and more inclusive research, innovation and products. The aim is to achieve better ICT practices and products in order to promote positive gender impact. Gendering that creative process means participating in the design of a better common future.
Chairs: Ana M. González Ramos (GENTIC, Internet Interdisciplinary Institute, IN3, Open University of Catalonia) and Carina González (Department of Computer Engineering, University of La Laguna).


8 September 2015

11.00-12.00 Plenary Conference: Els Rommes, Institute for Gender Studies, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands. “Including Gender in the Interaction”


What does it mean to pay attention to gender in the design of computer systems? Should everything be pink, or all content be about fashion? In this lecture, Rommes will discuss various notions of what inclusion of gender can mean, and which advantages and disadvantages the various way of including gender may have. In addition, she will discuss why it could be relevant to pay attention gender and how this can be done through the use of various design methodologies.

12.00-13.30 Workshop EnGendering Technology (I)

Room: AA207

(S) Mayte Lozano, Raquel Trillo Lado, María Villarroya Gaudó, Ana Allueva Pinilla and Eva Cerezo. An ICT experience in Computer Women Role promotion: Wikinformática in Aragón. Promoting the use of Wiki tools and visualizing the role of women in ICT
(S) Beatriz Revelles Benavente, Lidia Arroyo Prieto and Núria Vergés Bosch. Inclusion and promotion of women in technologies
(F) Núria Vergés Bosch. Moving towards Accommodating Women with ICT: Paying Attention to Self-inclusion Mechanisms.

Lunch15:00 p.m. 16:30 p.m. Workshop EnGendering Technology (II)

Room: AA207
(S) Elisenda Eva Espino Espino and Carina Soledad González González. Influencia del Género en el Pensamiento Computacional
(S) Adriana Gil-Juárez, Joel Feliu, Montserrat Vall-Llovera and Ester Conesa. Dos sentidos de lo tecnológico en relatos de vida de mujeres tecnólogas
(F) Patricia Paderewski, Maribel García Arenas, Rosa Gil Iranzo, Carina González González, Eva M. Ortigosa and Natalia Padilla-Zea. Acercando las mujeres a la ingeniería: iniciativas y estrategias que favorecen su inclusión

Campus UPC Vilanova

Technical School of Vilanova I la Geltrú (Universitat Politècnica Catalunya Barcelona Tech)