Funded by RecerCaixa, the general objective of this project is to analyse gender-based violence prevention in secondary schools in order to provide with new intervention tools from a holistic and intersectional perspective. Therefore, the project adopts a wide view on the different dimensions of gender violence and takes into account the interaction of different axes of inequality.
This global aim is divided into four specific objectives:
- Analyse the experiences of gender-based violence of secondary school students (through 8,000 questionnaires for secondary students and Relief Maps, an intersectional, visual and participatory methodology).
- Analyse high school students’ ideas of gender-based violence (based on virtual ethnography and Q methodology, which combines a quantitative and qualitative approach in order to study the perceptions about gender violence)
- Analyse gender-based violence prevention materials and discourses used in secondary schools and identify best practices.
- Disseminate resources and generate spaces for debate on how to prevent gender violence from a holistic and intersectional approach. In that regard, the project will provide with a website and a toolkit for teachers and trainers, as well as creating audio-visual materials and organising a Final Workshop aimed at disseminating research findings and generated resources.
Start date: April 2018 – End date: April 2021
Principal Investigators: Maria Rodó Zárate (UOC) and Gerard Coll-Planas (UVic-UCC)
Research Team:
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC): Gloria García-Romeral, Milagros Sáinz, Lidia Arroyo and Sergi Fábregues.
Universitat de Vic (UVic-UCC): Roser Solà-Morales, Núria Simó Gil and Conchi Sanmartín.
Funding body: