Radio and podcast



2024, February 20. LA MARINA – La Mirada del COLPIS. Lídia Arroyo, GenTIC researcher and head of the Academic Commission of the Professional Association of Political Science and Sociology from Catalonia (COLPIS), talks about the new edition of the Dictionary of Sociology and Sciences Social with Jordi Busquet, coauthor of the publication. (audio). 

2023, June 13. Ràdio 4 – Sota Sospita. Marta Roqueta talks about sex education and the construction of desire on the Internet. (audio, min. 00:38:15

2023, May 7. Catalunya Ràdio – Les dones i els dies. Marta Roqueta reflects on the phenomenon of cyberbullying against women journalists as a form of gender-based violence and an attack on the right to information of citizens. (audio, min. 00:53:11)

2023, April 4. Catalunya Ràdio – Ja m’entens. GenTIC researcher Marta Roqueta talks about intersectionality in masculinity studies (audio, min. 00:27:15)

2023, March 7. Catalunya Ràdio – La tarda de Catalunya Ràdio. GenTIC researcher Marta Roqueta participated in a debate together with the director of the Women, Business and Economy Observatory, Anna Mercadé, and the president of FIDEM, Joanna Amat, to talk about gender equality indicators in Catalonia, the glass ceiling, and gender politics. (audio, min. 00:28:00)

2023, February, 19. Catalunya Ràdio – Les dones i els dies. Marta Roqueta talks about gender-based violence and the added difficulties encountered by racialized women, trans women, or women with disabilities. (audio, min. 00:49:53)

2023, February 13. Radio Aragón. Brecha de género en las STEM, brecha de género en el mercado laboral. Izaskun Zuazu, winner of the first Cecilia Castaño Award for research on gender inequalities in science and technology, explains in this interview the conclusions of her research study on gender gaps in STEM disciplines and their impact on inequalities between men and women in the labor market. 

2023, February 11. Cadena Ser. Lejos de la paridad en la ciencia española: las cifras de la brecha de género. The director of GenTIC, Milagros Sáinz, and UOC’s Vice President for Strategic Planning and Research, Marta Aymerich, reflect in this radio interview on the historical gender inequalities in science.

2023, February 10. RNE – A media mañana. On the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, GenTIC’s director Milagros Sáinz is interviewed to talk about women’s participation in STEM and how to reduce gender inequalities and biases in these fields. (audio, min. 00:21:50)

2023, February 3. El temps de les arts – La Reserva. Interview with GenTIC researcher and journalist Marta Roqueta. Roqueta visits the Moco Museum in Barcelona and talks about digital works, museum installations and video art in relation to Catalonia’s past and future, censorship, the limits of humour, and feminism. (audio)

2023, January 24. Catalunya Ràdio – Les dones i els dies. Marta Roqueta talks about the importance of care tasks and the role of the Welfare State in dignifying the work of domestic workers. (audio, min. 00:46:45)

2023, January 21. Radio Euskadi. Interview with Cecilia Castaño on the occasion of the Cecilia Castaño Award for research on gender inequalities in science and technology (1st Edition). Cecilia Castaño reflects on women’s underrepresentation in science and technology and talks with Izaskun Zuazu, winner of the Cecilia Castaño Award 2022. (audio)

2022, December 6. Catalunya Ràdio – Ja m’entens. Marta Roqueta presents the work of non-binary writer Leslie Feinberg and the Roma lawyer and feminist activist Pastora Filigrana to reflect critically on the carceral system as a means to discipline dissident gender identities and non-white ethnicities. (audio, min. 00:48:05)

2022, November 13. Catalunya Ràdio – Les dones i els dies. Marta Roqueta talks about gender representations in cartoons. (audio, min. 00:56:00)

2022, October 16. Catalunya Ràdio – Les dones i els dies. Marta Roqueta talks about sexual harassment at universities. (audio, min. 01:06:00)

2022, September 4. Catalunya Ràdio – Les dones i els dies. Marta Roqueta talks about the phenomenon of punctures to women in nightlife venues. (audio, min. 00:57:32)

2022, June 26. Catalunya Ràdio – Ja m’entens. Marta Roqueta analyzes the work of feminist and queer thinkers like Jasbir Puar or Fatima el Tayeb to problematize the capitalist and homo-nationalist underpinnings of the PRIDE events. (audio, min. 00:49:35)

2022, June 12. Catalunya Ràdio – Les dones i els dies. GenTIC researcher Marta Roqueta participated in a debate on the feminist movement today organized in a special edition of the radio program “Les dones i els dies”. (audio)

2022, May 24. RAC1 – No ho sé. Interview with Marta Roqueta about the complex reality of forced marriage in Catalonia and how to prevent it. (audio, min. 00:31:00)

2022, May 21. RNE – No es un día cualquiera. GenTIC researcher Natalia Garrido-Skurkowicz participated as an invited expert in the radio talk show of the radio programme ‘No es un día cualquiera’ dedicated to gender-based violence among adolescents and young people. (audio)

2022, April 26. Catalunya Ràdio – Ja m’enténs. Enderrocant la lesbiana perversa. GenTIC researcher Marta Roqueta participated in this radio programme to present historical lesbian figures that help dismantle the myths about the “evil lesbian”. (audio, min. 00:49:00)

2022, March 3. LA MARINA – La Mirada del COLPIS. Lídia Arroyo was interviewed in this podcast produced by the College of Political Scientists and Sociologists of Catalonia (COLPIS) at La Marina radio to talk about gender equality and the challenges of digitalization. (audio)

2021, November 19. Ràdio 4 – Avui sortim. Interview with Milagros Sáinz on sexist biases shown by some secondary school teachers and the impact it has on students, regarding the conclusions of the research study “Secondary School Teachers’ Views of Gender Differences in School Achievement and Study Choices in Spain”. (audio, min. 00:38:00)

2021, October 19. Ràdio 4 – Avui sortim. Interview with Lídia Arroyo about the masculinization of scientific and technological fields and the main findings of a recently published study that she co-authors with Alisa Petroff and Milagros Sáinz on the trajectories of young adults from college completion into the STEM labour market in Spain. (audio, min. 00:21:00)

2021, February 11. Catalunya Ràdio – Estat de gràcia. Als 6 anys les nenes ja han “après” que els nens són més bons en matemàtiques que elles. Interview with Milagros Sáinz on the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, in which she explains how gender roles and stereotypes influence the unequal self-assessment of math abilities by girls and boys. (audio)

2021, February 11. Ràdio Sabadell – El Cafè de la Ràdio. Només un 28 per cent de les persones que es dediquen a la recerca són dones. Interview with Milagros Sáinz on the radio program El Cafè de la Ràdio, in which she explains what the so-called “Matilda Effect” consists of, for which some female scientists have had to renounce public recognition of their contributions. (audio)

2020, December 13. Ràdio 4 – Feminismes. El sistema sexe-gènere. Marta Roqueta-Fernàndez, predoctoral researcher at GenTIC, analyzes in this radio show the meaning of the “sex/gender system” coined by Gayle Rubin (1984). (audio)

2020, November 19. Despacho 42: Género y tecnología con Milagros Sáinz. In this podcast by the UOC Faculty of Computer Science, Multimedia and Telecommunications, Milagros Sáinz talks about the underrepresentation of women in technological majors together with UOC professors César Córcoles, Daniel Riera, and Susanna Tesconi. (audio)

2020, June 23. Radio Popular – Egunon Magazine. La visión sexista de la educación en las familias condiciona la elección del futuro académico (00:14:49). Interview with Milagros Sáinz on how sexist beliefs about the competences of girls and boys determine the academic motivations and study choices of adolescents and young people. (audio)

2020, June 22. Radio Voz – Voces de Galicia. Interview with Milagros Sáinz on the effects of parents’ sexist views about the academic competences of their children and adolescents (08:26h – 00:10:24) (audio)

2020, June 6. Programa Radia. Tecnología y género. Radia entrevista a Milagros Sáinz (00:11:33). Interview with Milagros Sáinz on the stereotypes that exist about the technological occupations and how to overcome sexist biases and encourage the participation of girls and young women in the digital sector. (audio)

2020, February 11. OLA – Onda Local de Andalucía. La presencia de la mujer en el campo científico supone menos de un 30 por ciento de los investigadores totales (00:09:18). On the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, Onda Local de Andalucía interviews Milagros Sáinz to talk about the gender gap and biases in STEM studies choices. (audio)

2019, October 11. RNE. Artesfera. Falta de vocación técnica en las niñas (00:22:58). Interview with Milagros Sáinz on the occasion of the International Day of the Girl. Milagros Sáinz analyses the causes and consequences of the gender gaps in the design, production and use of technologies. (audio)

2019, July 4. Catalunya Ràdio. Popap. La propera revolució digital: les dones TIC. Chronicle of the networking session and event “La propera revolució digital: les dones TIC”, organised by the Cercle Tecnològic de Catalunya (CTecno) in collaboration with Barcelona Activa. (audio)

2019, March 4. COPE. Les dones barcelonines tenen un salari un 22% més baix que els barcelonins. Lídia Arroyo is interviewed to talk about the reasons and effects of the gender gap in salaries. (audio)

2018, June 25. Ràdio Castelldefels. Interview with Milagros Sáinz, director of GenTIC, and Pilar Gil, professor of Physics at EETAC (Polytechnic University of Catalonia), on women’s underrepresentation in scientific and technological fields. (audio)

2018, March 2. ONA MEDITERRÀNIA. L’ÀGORA DE CAN ALCOVER (00:58:19). Maria Rodó de Zárate explains in an in-depth interview the origin and scope of intersectional feminism. (audio)


2018, February 8. Radio Rubí. Rubí al Día (00:15:23). Interview with Milagros Sáinz about the International Day of Women and Girls in Science and how to break gender stereotypes (min. 40).


2018, January 1. RTVC. Canarias Radio – Roscas y Cotufas (03:00:13). Lidia Arroyo talks about the Gender Pay Gap in the ICT sector and how the Spanish legislation addresses wages inequalities (min. 26).


2017, July 5. M21RADIO – Einstein en Malasaña (00:13:46). Interview with Milagros Sáinz on the occasion of the publication ¿Por qué no hay más mujeres STEM? Se buscan ingenieras, físicas y tecnólogas (Why aren’t there more women in STEM? Female engineers, physical scientists and technologists are wanted).


2017, March 8. BTV Ràdio. El matí de Barcelona (00:06:23). Interview with Milagros Sáinz on the underrepresentation of women in computer studies and the influence of gender stereotypes in educational choices.


2017, March 8. Ràdio Castellar – Magazine (00:15:59). Interview with Milagros Sáinz on the influence of gender stereotypes in educational choices.


2017, March 7. Radio 5 Todo noticias (00:12:00). Interview with Milagros Sáinz on the underrepresentation of women in computer studies and the influence of gender stereotypes in educational choices.


2017, March 6. Cadena Ser – La Ventana (00:05:07). Interview with Milagros Sáinz about girl’s self-perception of abilities in technology and mathematics. (audio)


2017, March 6. RAC1 – No ho sé (00:03:07). Mention to the research on the influence of gender stereotypes in educational choices. (audio)


2017, March 6. Cadena COPE – La linterna (00:01:19). Interview with Milagros Sáinz on the ESTEREO project research about the influence of the gender stereotypes in educational choices.


2017, January 24. Cadena COPE – La linterna. Interview with Lidia Arroyo about sexism and videogames.


2016, April 16. RADIO 4 – Amics i coneguts ( min. 00:40:34). Interview with Milagros Sáinz about sexist videogames. (audio)


2016, April 12. Radio 5 Todo Noticias (00:06:34). Interview with Julio Meneses on the use of video-surveillance in schools.


2015, October 1. RADIO 3 – Canal UNED (00:29:32). Interview with Milagros Sáinz about the influence of gender roles and stereotypes in students’ choices. (audio)


2015, April 24. CADENA SER – RADIO BARCELONA. Interview with Milagros Sáinz on how technology has affected gender roles in adolescents. (audio)


2015, January 27. Radio Rubí. Interview with Milagros Sáinz about the influence of gender roles and stereotypes in study choices and the role of secondary school teachers in perpetuating gender stereotypes.


2015, January 24. Radio Barcelona. Interview with Milagros Sáinz about the influence of gender roles and stereotypes in study choices and the role of secondary school teachers in perpetuating gender stereotypes.


2015, January 24. RAC1. Brief interview with Milagros Sáinz about the influence of gender roles and stereotypes in secondary students’ self-perception of ability.

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