A new book chapter by Marta Roqueta-Fernàndez, based on her research about the feminist group #OnSónLesDones, has been published in the book Cartografía de los micromachismos: Dinámicas y violencia simbólica (Cartography of micromachisms: Dynamics and symbolic violence), printed by Dyckinson.


The book includes a series of texts selected from the communications presented at the V International Congress of Micromachisms, which was organized by Tecnológico de Monterrey, Universidad de Sevilla and Sapienza Università di Roma on October 1 and 2, 2020. Marta Roqueta-Fernàndez‘s chapter is included in the book section dedicated to social networks and popular culture and analyzes the use of digital and social media by the #OnSónLesDones initiative to denounce the underrepresentation of women as current affairs analysts in Catalan media.


Access the book Cartografía de los micromachismos: Dinámicas y violencia simbólica.



Roqueta Fernàndez, Marta (2020). Desmontando el privilegio masculino blanco en los medios catalanes: #OnSónLesDones. In Eva Hernández Martínez (Coord.), Paola Panarese, Natalia Martínez Pérez & Juan Carlos Suárez Villegas (Eds.), Cartografía de los micromachismos: Dinámicas y violencia simbólica (pp. 661-678). Dykinson. https://www.dykinson.com/libros/cartografia-de-los-micromachismos-dinamicas-y-violencia-simbolica/9788413773117/


Photo by brotiN biswaS on Pexels.