Alisa Petroff, a postdoctoral researcher at GenTIC, together with Sònia Parella (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) and Javier Silvestre (Universidad de Zaragoza), co-author a new article published in the Journal of International Development. The paper uses statistical and qualitative data and provides evidence on the conceptual framework for understanding remittance behaviour proposed by the scholar Jørgen Carling.


The researchers analysed quantitative and qualitative data extracted from an ethnosurvey conducted in Spain to explore the situation of transnational Bolivian immigrants after the economic crisis of 2008 and the complexity of remittance motivations.


Find the article “A mixed-method analysis of remittance scripts among Bolivian immigrants in Spain” on the journal website.


Related links:

New publication: Planning to Go Back Home Because of the Economic Crisis?


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