Assessment on LGTBI identities



The Manresa City Council and the Bages Regional Council have elaborated an LGTBI Plan which aims to transfer and develop at the local level the principles established in the Catalan Law 11/2014 against homophobia, biphobia and transphobia.

The first step was to make a diagnosis to know what is the LGTBI reality of the region in its different dimensions: public space, work, leisure time, education, etc.. From this starting point, seventy concrete actions have been defined, aimed at guaranteeing the rights of these groups and fostering a free sexual and affective diversity life experience, while diminishing discrimination.

This research and action proposals has been carried out by Maria Rodó de Zárate, postdoctoral researcher at Gender and ICT, as a principal investigator.

On the other hand, Maria Rodó de Zárate has carried out several courses in different towns of Barcelona’s region, aiming to provide training to public workers in relation to LGTBI issues:

  • “Claus per la implementació polítiques igualtat i LGTBI” (Keys to the Implementation of Equality and LGTBI Policies). Barcelona Provincial Council: Manresa (March 2017), Rubí (June 2017) and Sant Just Desvern (November 2017)
  • “Com afrontar i prevenir la discriminació. La necessitat d’una mirada interseccional” (How to deal with and prevent discrimination. The need for a intersectional view). Barcelona City Council (October 2017)
  • “La mirada interseccional: com podem abordar els eixos de desigualtat des de l’Administració Pública?” (The Intersectional View: How Can We Address the Axes of Inequality from the Public Administration?). Barcelona City Council (May 2017)
  • “Abordatge de la diversitat sexoafectiva i de gènere en els serveis públics d’atenció ciutadana” (Approaching Sex-Affective and Gender Diversity in Public Services). Hospitalet de Llobregat City Council (July 2017)

The final objective of all these activities has been to increase public workers’ awareness, so that they can incorporate the LGTBI perspective in their daily work and contribute to reducing social discrimination and LGTBIphobia.